
Bionics Vs. Biomimicry: From Control Of Nature To Sustainable Participation In Nature
In 2005, Daniel Wahl explored the differences and similarities between biomimicry and bionics, calling for a shift towards appropriate participation in Nature’s processes. Read it here.

Biomimesis: La inspiración consciente y sostenible de la naturaleza
This article by Manuel Quirós offers a general introduction to biomimicry (published in La ciudad sostenible in spanish)

Creatividad y rentabilidad en el diseño inspirado en la naturaleza
Do you want to know how mussels have inspired non-toxic glues for the wood industry? Have a look at this case study (published in La ciudad sostenible).

Turbina bidireccional undimotriz bioinspirada en el pico de un flamenco Phoenicopterus Ruber
Work presented in the National Environmental Congress 2014

El escarabajo de Namibia
Work presented in the National Environmental Congress 2012

Rafael Aparicio Sánchez el “filósofo técnico industrial”
Rafael talks about bioinspired design.

Communication Inspired by Nature
Andrea Monge explores natural communication strategies

External Resources

Biomimicry Institute, Missoula, Montana, USA

AskNature an online database with hundreds of study cases.

Biomimicry 3.8, Missoula, Montana, USA

European Biomimicry Alliance, a trans-national network of European experts in the field of sustainable innovation.

Zygote Quaterly Journal, the awarded top biomimicry e-magazine.

The Biomimicry column, one of the tops by Tom McKeag.

Encyclopedia of Life, global access to knowledge about life on Earth.