From {bios}, Greek for life, and {mimicry} , to imitate.
Biomimicry is an emergent approach in Science and Design practices that learns from the wise solutions that lie in countless processes, structures and systems in Nature that have evolved to survive and thrive over 3.8 billion years.
Applying a Bio-inspired approach means adapting these strategies in Nature for human activities to innovate and optimize designs, processes, technologies and systems.
By doing so, this tool offers sustainable solutions to human problems and implies to encompass us in a more global system in the perspective of a regenerative presence on Earth.
Biomimicry is a vehicle for collaborative frameworks across disciplines and uses different expertises and ressources. We integrate this dynamic in Biomimicry Iberia.
The cross-disciplinary process of applying Biomimicry combines Design, and Systemic Thinking with Life Principles (sustainability) in its approach and framework.
Drawing methods from design and engineering, Biomimicry Thinking fosters creativity while combining ideas from the arts, sciences, society, and the business world.
Through observation, understanding and integration of strategies from the natural world we can build a solid platform for innovation.

Biomimicry follows Nature or Life principles, that intends to be a distillation of the lessons from life on earth today. Those above are proposed by Biomimicry Institute.
They are an excellent source of inspiration to provide sustainable solutions to complex systems. Think about a relatively new concept, circular economy, and how its principles are closed to those of natural ecosystem: recycling materials, prefer abundance, using suitable energy, creating interdependances between niches….)
According context (technical inovation, circular economy, territorial development…) those principles can vary. By following Life’s Principles we can be sure to create products and processes that are well adapted to life on earth.
Nature or Life principles and Biomimicry Thinking are concepts and approaches developped by biomimicry thinkers that are now being applied by a growing global network of biomimicry practicionners.
10 of nature’s unifying patterns to consider
- Nature uses only the energy it needs and relies on freely available energy.
- Nature recycles all materials.
- Nature is resilient to disturbances.
- Nature tends to optimize rather than maximize.
- Nature provides mutual benefits.
- Nature runs on information.
- Nature uses chemistry and materials that are safe for living beings.
- Nature builds using abundant resources, incorporating rare resources only sparingly.
- Nature is locally attuned and responsive.
- Nature uses shape to determine functionality.